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Studio Change!

Hey-o and welcome to the new CaptainThinker Studios! Turns out I have a habit of continuously changing studios… And now poof I’m in the middle of studio changing again. And my lovely desk has been sold for one that is a better fit… SO content wont be happening for a while unfortunately. Let’s see what happens in the future!

Posted in Spiderman Ps4

Spider-Man Art Project Day 3

Today I worked on the next suit that will be included in the mega fan art which is the Noir Suit!

This is the source image that I used:

Image result for spiderman noir suit ps4

The pose that I had with this suit was meant to show stealth and silence. So to achieve this I chose to do the classic perched on a ledge pose… With a twist.

Perched Spider

This is the base idea that I had. However, instead of handing the feet together, I chose to spread them apart to make the pose seem more comfortable.

The challenge that I faced with this suit is the whole color scheme. The suit is basically all black and I had to use a variety of texture overlays in order to make the different parts of the suit stand out. As you can see in the reference image of the noir suit; there is a cloth based portion and a more leather part. These two actually greatly differ in tone while still being greyscale.

This difference is one that I understood very early in the process of making this image. The source image, wasn’t the only one used however.

Image result for noir suit spiderman

This image was heavily used for the finer details of the face and the resemblance is uncanny.

The noir suit is actually quite further back in this image and the details aren’t clearly visible. That is why for all the suits I have exported them as different images and uploaded them on social media sites such as: Newgrounds, DeviantArt, Instagram, etc.

Posted in Spiderman Ps4

Spider-Man Art Project Day 2

Day 2 has seens some progress! The Advance suit has been completed and I have made a start with the Iron Spider suit. The sketching process of that suit is completed and I now am working on doing the linework.

The Suit thus far is looking slightly mundane since it doesn’t have the necessary flair. However, the is potencial for it to look amazing. The pose is based on the following picture:

Iron Spider

The Artwork will have a spiderman perched on a flagpole with the insomiac logo as a flag.

I chose to do it this way because the pose is iconic and the character will be easily recognisable from a distance. Since the Iron-Spider isn’t a main focus of the artwork he will be further into the back in the image. Having an iconic color scheme with the well known pose should help distunguish him from the other characters who will be in different, generic, poses but with differing color schemes. The Iron-Spider, however, has a pretty basic color scheme and this pose should help it stand out.

What I found especially challenging was the postioning of the legs! Especially the upper calf portion. I couldn’t get the angle right in a way that seems anatomically correct.

The live stream can be seen here:

Posted in Spiderman Ps4

Spider-Man Ps4 Art Project Day 1

So today I started the live stream for my Spider-man Ps4 fanart! This series is one that I was really keen on starting but I was equally scared to begin because of the high expectations I had set for myself and this project and if something went wrong I would’ve been really disappointed and frankly, quite mad at myself.

However, the progress that I have made today is quite good and I am starting to feel really proud of the project.

The link to the video:

The live stream was 1h and 37 minutes and during which I went through and did the linework for a version of the Advanced Suit:

Spiderman Advanced Suit

In my own time I decided to work on the coloring which took an additional 4 hours.

This has brought the total time spent today on the project to 5h 37min.

Over the course of the next 2 weeks, I intend to finish of the project, but with the fact that there are at least another dozen suits I intend to add, along with a highly detailed background, this estimate seems unlikely.

However, I will try to keep my hopes up that I can complete this project by October 4th. Though I intend to release the video on October the 22nd when the DLC releases. I am a complete fanatic of the game and have 100%ed it and wish to complete this drawing as an homage to the amazingness that it is.

Posted in Uncategorised


Hello everyone, welcome to my blog page! As of now I’m currently sitting at 186 subscribers and almost 28,000 total views.

Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at 8.55.14 pm


The reason I have started this blog is so that I can keep a track of progress, but this is also a way for me to express some of the problems I have come across in making these videos on such a low budget. Also through this process I hope to also explain how I could turn this simple hobby into a flourishing side-business. Every major project that I complete will also have a page dedicated to it, explaining some of the complications that I encounted whilst the project was being conducted.